I didnt think

by jodi-leigh   Oct 31, 2005

Grabbed the razor
moved beside the sink
dug the first one in deep
to be honest, i didn't think

i didn't think how much it hurt
or what people would say
or doing p.e at school
the very next day

i have problems, everyone does
but maybe unlike you i pick up a knife
its the only thing i turn to
to help my stupid life

everyday is like climbing a mountain
i have to watch my every step
i go thought pain
without any help

little things get to me
they make me cry
i feel so stupid
i cry and don't know why

so this is why I've started to cut
i do it again and again
i don't care if it hurts
its lets out all my pain

i like watching the blood running
down my arm and onto the floor
so far I've cut 28
and about to do some more


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  • 18 years ago

    by jennifer

    This is a very sad poem, I have been in the same place you are this poem is very well written and alot of people I am sure can relate, I hope all works out for you