Another Chance and We Can Last

by Joey   Nov 7, 2005

As I lie in my lonesome bed
I could be sleeping, but instead
I'm thinking about you
And when you will know what to do.

We both agreed that Saturday night was amazing
But come Sunday, it felt like everything was changing.
In 26 days you will be sixteen,
1 question, do you think there will again be a "you and me?"

You heard every single word I cried to Jimmy last night.
I meant every word especially when I say I will love you for the rest of my life.
I wish you felt the same way about me as I do you,
Hopefully my wish will someday come true.

I'm happy with you, you're happy with me, I love you, and you love me.
This is something that even a blind man can see.
Like you said, you're 15 & you don't think you're ready for a real relationship.
I think that if we're together & loyal, than we can make it!

Remember when you asked me what I think you should do?
I think you should take advantage of what you have right in front of you.
Remember I told you I'm 1 of the 2% that are hard to find?
I'm the only 1 of those 2% that like you for you aren't I?

We talked about this 2 nights ago
I will always be here for you, that's something I hope you know.
I'm willing to wait for you to make your decision
Because I know that on me & you it's a difficult situation.

One more thing before I stop, My love for you is sky high
Everyone was wondering why.
It's because together or not, you make me smile and laugh.
One look at you, everything gets put in the past.
What I'm trying to say is another chance and we can last.

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