Couddnt Go On

by Shannon   Nov 9, 2005

She is so sad and so scared
Up in the room all she does is dwell
She prays that someday she will get away
From her life that's a living hell

If she done one wrong thing
He takes off his belt and start to swing
The more he misses her the more he hits
And says when you run this is what you get

Her brother and sister just sit there to stare
He doesn't abuse them, its so unfair
She gets so tired of being played like a toy
Just for his greatest pleasure and joy

Her mother has nothing left to say
Or else he will do her the same way
So she stays outta it and outta her life
Even though she always cuts with the knife

She is really popular at her school and so pretty
Sometimes she thinks they like her cause of self pity
On day she will really find out
Until then, this is what its all about

She hates her dad for the things he does
This isn't like the way he was
She doesn't know what she done to make him turn
"Just tell me what i done so i can learn"
She says

Every night she goes through the same routine
Is this what i get for being a teen?
Her father never speaks one word
She cant even remember when the last conversation occurred

So every day and every night
She sits in her room putting up a fight
To stay alive and not to give in
She holds back her tears and love for him within

Even thought everything he does to her
She still loves him for what he has done
She feels sad because the way he is
But if her father died she couldn't go on


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