Money Is Not Love

by Olivia   Nov 12, 2005

You think my life is perfect,
I get what I want each day.
But here's some advice,
You know money isn't the way.

So my parents buy me everything,
Toys, Food, and Clothes.
But I do have a secret,
And only one girl knows.

My life is not perfect, not even close. I am forced to be who I do not want to be. I am made to wear skirts and pink bows while reading a book or smiling and waving to every stupid little person that walks by. All I want to do is hang out with my friends, chat on the computer, and wear my jeans and a t-shirt, NOT a dress!
My parents think they have given me everything! They think I have all I need! But that's not true! I am missing ONE thing. LOVE!

And the only person...
Who has shown me love....
Is my friend.
My sister.
My light in the darkness.

Nicole has only brought me love, and nothing else. I don't care if she doesn't buy me everything in sight. She cares about my feelings, and she is an inspiration. She is my best friend, my little sister, everyone who should have loved me all in one.

Money Is Not Love!
And it seems only Nicole knows that.


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