
by Katryna   Dec 20, 2003

It seems like so long ago, that you use

to care.Whenever I would worry, I knew that

you'd be there.But now as I look back, all

I can feel is the pain. Just thinking

about how much you hurt me, is driving me

insane. You were suppose to be my

bestfriend, which shouldn't stop until the

end. But, for us, the end came to fast.

And I'm still struggling to forget my past.

I was there for you no matter what went

down. And all I got in return was a

permanant frown. I still wonder why you

turned on me. Because even cutting myself

up, couldn't make you see. Even the fact

that I go from counsler to counsler has no

effect on you. I've already cried tears of

blood, what else can I do?

Katryna Marie De La Rosa

Copyright ©2003 Katryna Marie De La Rosa


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