It's only you and me

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Dec 4, 2005

If only i could take back the past
And bring back the happiness that would always last
The endless nights looking at the night-time sky
Summertime memories watching the days pass by

Sneaking out late and coming in early
Playing in the rain JUST to make our hair go curly
Our first cigarette on the firehouse hill
The feeling of being a rebel gave us a chill

Bonfires, four wheeling and garage talks
Being lazy, causing trouble and our train-track walks
That ONE summer was all that it would take
For me to make this only mistake

That puppy love feeling that i made grow
The boyfriend from hell that wouldn't listen to "No!"
Neglect was the only memory you got from me
But it left a scar on me deeply

I COULDN'T talk to you or he would get mad
And i know that excuse is bad
Because NO BOY should come between you and me
But obviously i wasn't thinking clearly

2 years passed... and i decided to call
I needed you, i hate to fall
Drugs, cuts, scars, black and blues
A cigarette in one hand covered in a bruise

Crying was the only thing i could do
How could i get back to you!
You're my girl! My life-long friend!
How could i be stupid to put everything to an end?!?

Butterflies filled my stomach for an hour
I felt weak... i had no power
Everything came tumbling out
I told you everything that i was now about


And now a year has passed
And our friendship did last
You're my life and my soul
You helped me become whole

Now we're older against this world
And I've gained what i received as a little girl
My heart... she's sitting next to me
And it took all of this pain for that to see

Drug-free, no fresh cuts and no abuse
No smoking and i untied the noose
Now happy is the only thing i can be
Because now it's only you and me


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lexie

    Wonderful Poem. I'm glad you realized what you lost. Excellent emotion. I loved it!