Let Me In

by Sara   Dec 13, 2005

Another day, another day we must walk by each other, silent words spoken by glances of the eyes. I know that you are hurting, I know that you are scared, but tell me why you push away once things start to feel so good? I understand it's hard, to watch them fall apart, but you can do nothing for your parents, it's not your fault they are drifting away from each other. You did nothing to cause this pain. I know in your heart the rage is so intense, the pain is bubbling up, waiting to explode within you. Don't hold it all in, tell me what your feeling. Let it all out, give unto me the worries of your mind. I'll try to help you resolve them, but I can't help unless you let me in. So think about the good times, do not dwell on the bad. I'm here for you always, even if you keep pushing me away. I try to give you your space but you look at my with those eyes. I can not stand to see those eyes cry, so help me help you. I know you think I'm strong, the rest of the world does too, but deep down I'm weaker than the weakest. Someway, somehow, I'll save you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~@ngel Whisperer~

    Beautiful thoughts and words. You have a gracious soul...God bless!