Being A Teenage Girl

by Tiffy   Dec 17, 2005

Instead of being sent to your room, you get called names

Going to grandma\'s house is no fun anymore

In your mind, you look like a whale

You lose the friends that meant the most to you

Boyfriends tear apart friendships

Diets are the best new fad

You feel sad a lot and don\'t know why

Blogging becomes a hobby

Your family annoys the hell out of you

Your parents turn into your enemies as if they hate you

Home becomes the one place you can\'t stand being at

Death seems like the perfect solution

Boys don\'t have cooties anymore, but you wish they did

You practice faking a smile in your bathroom mirror

You\'re never pretty enough

Your mistakes seem like they may have ruined your life

You cry yourself to sleep at night

You question God\'s existence

It becomes hard to speak up for yourself

Your parents assume they know you like the back of your hand

Nobody cares about how you feel or what you think

You don\'t get respect because you\'re a kid

You\'re acting like a b-tch even when you\'re not PMSing

You worry about how many calories that sandwich has

The mirror becomes your best friend

You dream about being in a better life

You\'re so desperate for love that you believe in those chain letters

Depressing songs make you happy because you can relate to it

Parents just don\'t understand

You don\'t look before you leap

Good grades are hard to acheive

You don\'t who you are anymore


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