Tragic Tales

by Amber   Dec 18, 2005

Teens that are trapped in high school, waiting to die.
Often get talked about, and often they are lies.
Don't judge someone before you know what they have been through.
Or someday someone might end up falsely judging you.

Johnny was in high school, captain of the team.
He could make a touchdown easier than it seemed.
One day he was walking home and found out a secret.
His girlfriend was now pregnant and he wanted to forget.
Nine months passed and they had a son, premature and small.
The mom had died in child birth, Johnny's tears I could recall.
The baby didn't make it, Johnny'd lost his will for life.
He gave up everything to save him, endured much pain and strife.

Lacey felt so fat no matter who she stood beside.
She threw up to lose weight and almost always cried.
Bulimia was her curse, she wanted to be thin.
Not eating was hard, she had insecurities within.
She had always wanted to die because she felt alone.
She was trying to conform like a simple, mindless drone.
People made her feel bad, though only 98 pounds.
She wanted to be thinner, up on higher grounds.

Landon was hit at home, his mother didn't care.
She watched as his father hit him, all she did was stare.
He hated going home at night, he hated being hit.
So lonely with no friends to call, he didn't give a shit.
Life sucked for him so he ran away to another city and state.
That thought had been in his head, it had been his main debate.
Such a shame, only seventeen, living on his own.
But with abusive parents, running was all he'd known.

Lauren was a cutter, she abused to feel the pain.
But before you judge her, know that she was perfectly sane.
She'd had so many problems like her parents walking out.
Cutting was a release, it was her only route.
Twisted past that lingered now, never leaving her alone.
So she felt like unwinding. Blood made her feel at home.
It kept her alive as ironic as it seems.
But the only place she could escape was deep within her dreams.

So don't judge someone because of what they do.
You have no idea what type of hell they have been through.


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