You Can't Always Have Perfection...

by Avrii Monrielle   Dec 28, 2005

So maybe you're not exactly it
You're not/aren't sure/don't have/needing everything
Who cares?
I mean really...
Maybe you can't own that oh-too-cool car
Can't sing;can't hit the right keys
Can't play a single sport, feel you're not good enough
Really, who cares?
You care, I bet.
You probably think you need to see everything
Live it out; keep to yourself
What I say, is you can't have it
You will never have perfection.
As soon as others think you're perfect, you die on the inside
I remember from past life experience
Here's my advice

If you're one of those people
Called perfectionists
Get a new job
It's too much of a hassle
Maybe you can't get that job you've always wanted
There'll be other times!
Oh yeah...
If you keep crying...
Where will that get you?

What you shouldn't do is drown in self pity
Live for your morality

Maybe you're not hot, sexy, even cute..
Really, people need to look on the inside.
I'm sure you have a heart of gold.
Not a lot of people look further than the face

Don't waste time on perfection, that's all I can say
You're already perfect because you have flaws.
Just.... never forget yourself.

Because you ~are~ perfection.


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  • 18 years ago

    by JL

    Great job, wonderful message. I lyked that you wrote it as if you are talking to the reader. It gets the point across better.
    Don't waste time on perfection, that's all I can say
    You're already perfect because you have flaws.
    that was my favorite part, because its so true. Keep up the good work, and take care. Happy new Year XXXXX