
by Ash Kat08   Dec 30, 2005

I can't stop thinking about him, Every time I see his picture tears run down my face, And every time I want to let this everlasting love go it comes right back, I can't understand why this won't leave me alone, I don't understand what I have done to make this love be my one and only, I don't like this feeling of great desire, I can't stop thinking about how much I want to kiss his soft lips, and feel his strong arms embrace me, kiss me and love me as much as i him. This is what he wants me to feel, pain every time I want to be with him, how do I tell him how I feel? Is this feeling for real? I cant stop thinking about how I want this feeling to be gone. From morning until night I think about being with him again, cherishing all of the wonderful times we have had together, and knowing that soon they will be lost forever, I want to understand why I can't be with him, be with him and him with me, I don't understand why this is so hard. Why the one I love is so far, the one that I can't stop thinking about is never going to be with me, for he is the only one that I see. How do I make this horrible feeling go away, so I can love another day? Love one that isn't here to hurt me, love one that I can see, love one that I want to be with, Love one that I imagine I will come home every day to the one that I love. Is is him, or will I never love again?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Theo

    Wow this poem is powerful, it was good. i like how u write bout ur feelings strait up. i can def respect you and recognize wat ur sayin. i added u to my favs add me if u want. keep the cmments comin. peace

  • 18 years ago

    by Jerrys¤baby¤girl

    I am sure that you will find a guy to sweep you up and off your feet..
    Love Always Tiffany Heather

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Hey ashley! :) a realy beautiful poem. I'm not sure if u wanted it 2 rhyme or not lol... but it was very moving. so yea I was just thinking that having it rhyme might be a really good idea... if thats what you want... lol... here I go again lol... anywaze darls.. keep up the good work and if u ever need 2 talk.. I'm here *hugs*