Dear Dad

by Kim   Jan 11, 2006

Dear Dad,

Dad even though I don't see you much anymore I just want to say I still love you,
You are always who I will look to for advice whether I agree with it or not.
I know you always will care for me and I for you.
I hope you have a special birthday and have a drink for me.
Thanks for the games of rugby at the park and the endless games of catch and kicks we used to play,
Thanks for the fishing trips, even when we didn't catch anything it didn't matter it was still fun,
Thanks for the fun times playing poker, teaching me the basics of gambling and how to lose gracefully-which I still haven't learnt very well but I'm working on that,
Thanks for the good looks of the family, well hey what can I say?
I guess what I want to say is thanks for everything you're an awesome Dad.
I know I don't say this enough but I love you and I always will.
Happy Birthday Dad, Happy Birthday.


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