So many questions, so little time

by Christina   Jan 23, 2006

If someone else came would you take a stand
If someone better, bigger, and prettier came would you fight
What if I want him to come
What if I can't do this anymore
What if I love you so much it makes me sick
To think that your it
I can't picture anyone else
I want to
I really want to but there is nothing
Just pictures of long nights
Lying on the floor with nothing but air to choke on
So many thoughts that the head feels as though it's going to burst
Are you really it?
Are you all my future holds
Can you give me all my dreams I so long for
Can you be that man that walks through the door
And everyone runs to greet
Are you that man that never gets sick of looking at me
The kind of man that says everyday brings a different kind of beauty to my face
When in reality, it's time fading the youth in my face to wise
Are you the man that I look at and can't see anyone else till the end of time
Are you my phenomena?
Will I love you for the rest of my life if I lose you shortly during yours
Why do you make me sick when I think of our love
Why do I want to cry
Why do I feel so scared
Is this feeling real, is the reason real
Everything feels like it's over
This is as good as it gets
And if not, how do I go on with out you
How will I remember to breath
How will I remember to think
Will you remember me?
Will you be a memory
Will I be a story that you tell your children what not to do?
And who not to be with
Will I be the one to make your children brownies when it's a class party day
Will you hold my hand when the pain gets to great in labor
Will you love my children with more love then you hold for your mother
Will you be the only thing I depend on to live for
Will you be my Noah?
Will you be my cane when my long legs turn to wrinkly jello
Will we fight over whose parents house were going to for the holidays
How will we take care of your mom and mine in the same house
If were so different how, why do we understand each other without words
If were so stubborn, how do we fix those late night fights every time
Are you going to remind me of when I'm being a pain in the ass?
Will you let me tell you when you're acting like an ass
Will you only hit the kids when my eyes are closed
Are my daughters going to be beautiful and trouble like me
Are my sons going to be strong and confident like their father
Are you going to be the father for my children
The one I prayed for every night since I was a little girl
The kind I so longed to have for my self
Will you be the man who loves me unconditionally
And protects me at every chance
Are you my future William?
Are you where the yellow brick road leads
If so, do we start now or wait
To start now, will it last
And to wait could make the heartsick
When you get sick you tend to forget about everything else
Will you forget William?
Or will you let it die
So many questions, so little time
The real question however
Is do you have any answer


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