I'm Sorry

by Mandee   Jan 25, 2006

I'm sorry
that I cannot believe
that things will be different this time
I'm sorry
that I always look
at the negative side of things
instead of the positive side
I'm sorry
that things go unsaid
that feelings are hidden
I'm sorry
for breaking your heart
and causing you pain
I'm sorry
that I can't be in a relationship
right now
because I'm afraid the
hurting and pain
will come back with it
I'm sorry
for always being me
I'm sorry
for showing you
my true self
I'm sorry
that I need you
to survive
I'm sorry
that you are
my shoulder to lean on
because in return
pain is being given
I'm sorry
that I was born
and brought in to your life
I'm sorry
that you had to meet me
I'm sorry
that my heart is broken
I'm sorry
for everything I've done to you
but I'm not sorry
for the love we share


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