My empty heart

by Ashley   Feb 9, 2006

My empty heart
Is crying again.
I wish I could,
But my tears are dry.

I wish I could get
Some closure from this.
But you're so far away,
It doesn't seem likely.

I'm asked
From time to time
What is wrong?
I don't know how to reply.

Do I tell them what happened?
Do they need to know?
Or do I say nothing's wrong,
And just keep walking?

I wish I could see you once again.
I long to see your smile,
Hold you in my arms,
Breathe in your wonderful scent.

But I shouldn't be thinking these things.
Cuz every time I do,
My heart weeps,
While I strain to keep a solemn face.

I so want to move on,
Meet someone new.
I so want
To get over you.

My heart is empty
For one reason only.
It's that it cannot love,
Cuz it has loved with nothing in return.

It needs love
As do I.
But who could fall in love
With the saddest girl ever?

Maybe the one person
Who made her happy?
Who made her feel
Like she was beautiful?

No one had ever
Made her feel like that before.
She loved him,
And he loved her...for awhile...she thought.

Maybe he didn't,
And it was all in her imagination.
Maybe he did,
And he will come back for her.

These are some of
The thousands of hopes and thoughts
That cross nothing other
Than the empty heart
Of the saddest girl.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kayla

    Great poem hun...sad but good...keep it up...thanks for all the comments on mine! much love
