To much time

by ~I*WiLl*LoVe*YoU*nO*mAtTeR*wHaT~   Feb 14, 2006

At the root of insanity,
Is having too much time on your hands.....
Too much time to think....
Too much time to remember pat hurts,
And to wish things could be different.

Too much time spent alone,
Staring at these four walls,
With too much time to think,
To remember past hurts,
And to wish things could be different.

Got to get myself rid of this insanity,
ill busy myself with a furry of activities,
And seek the companionship of others,
They'll tell me time heals all wounds,
But for now i'll still cry....
When i have too much time to think,
And remember past hurts,
Wishing things are different.


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