
by Silouette Dreams   Feb 19, 2006

[~This poem is dedicated to my bes test bes test friend in the whole world. She gave me a poem and I wrote t his one back! Thanks for everything. Including the cutting, suicide attempts, depression, and all the other things that you caused me to do, Thanks:)~]

Go ahead say goodbye
You used to be my friend
But you said I didn't give enough
And you said that it's the end
You're not that different from us
Each other we always understood
You said I'm not good enough, Bye
You say I hope bye's not for good
Whenever your mad it hurts me so bad
But you don't ever see my tears
While you cry, I silently die
And someday I won't be there
The streaks on your arm
They've done you no harm
They're only made of pen
But mine are real, filling with blood
You try once, while I do it again
If you're mad at me
You'll hurt yourself too
You,a scratch, me, shattered
Although when you hurt
You feel like dirt
I'm the one who is dying
And when I die
The memories I find
Are the ones of you lying
You think we can fix this
But the way this has been going
it is basically shot.
You have Katie,
A fill in for me
I don't need you but I need someone
I hate the words that you 'have' to say
"I love you, but goodbye."


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