Broken love Friendship

by Grace   Feb 27, 2006

This is about my Good Friend Who i cant say there name, or well was my Good friend, and I had Deep Feelings for him, and this is what happened and What i felt like after!! this is a True Poem!

we were friends till the end,
Threw Thick and threw thin,
I Loved you with all my heart,
But you just tore me All Apart,
I thought we were meant to be,
But You said "were only Friends",
and i thought we will be till they end,
After that one night we didn't talk much,
It seems that Night Destroyed us Much,
I Miss talking to you,
and I miss the Good Times,
I miss The feeling I got around you,
and i miss the Hole friendship,
I Miss when you said you will always be here for me,
And I miss whenever I had a Boyfriend when you said
"if he dose anything to you, let me no and I'll Kick his but"
I miss the feeling that i could tell you anything and Everything,
and i miss The good times when we use to hang out,
i miss when you always wanted a Hug from me,
And i miss Our Play Fights,
I miss when you would joke around with me and Call me a ho, and i would say
"Yeah and Thats why you want me Even more"
And i miss when we would joke around and Laugh about the Dumb Stuff we did,
I miss Everything about you,
But Now when i see you i try to choke back tears,
Its hard to be Around you,
When all of those Thoughts run threw my head,
That Special Night,
The Good times we laughed,
When You said you Loved me and would never let anybody hurt me,
And One Point you said those Three Little words, "I love You"
I Believed Each and Every-time you said that,
and when you said you wished we were more then "just friends"
How Could i be So Stupid To Believe all of this?
How Could I be so Stupid to not no all of this was a Lie,
People Warned me about you,
But i just Blocked everybody out,
I didn't Listen to them, and I never Doubted you,
They All said you were a Player,
but i said He Couldn't be, hes to Sweet,
Well You got what you wanted From me,
And then you just threw me away,
I was Used and Abused by your Love,
How could those three little words mean So much to everybody,
well all of this was Just Bullshit and I wasted my time,
I Cried Over you, I wanted to Die,
I loved you,
But You didn't love me back,
How could i be so stupid To think about you like That?
You hurt me, and Made me cry,
well Now we don't talk, and that Night really ruined are Friendship,
I want us to be friends like before,
where we use to joke around and had fun,
i remember when we hung out,
i new I was the girl you were thinking of,
You have So many Girlfriends, but when i git a Boyfriend
all Freaking Hell Breaks Lose,
Its like a Freaking Crime for me to date somebody,
When you found out me and your friend broke up,
You Kept me Company, and Helped me threw it,
At that time when you took me in your Arms,
i actually Felt Loved and Wanted,
It was so Nice to have that Feeling,
when i was going threw hell,
a Few seconds before that I felt as if the world was turning on me,
and It was all going to end,
but when you took me in your arms,
Thats where i wanted to be,
Thats the place i wanted to be forever,
i wanted you for myself,
And you said maybe someday we could be together,
but Now i don't want to be,
i found somebody else,
Somebody Better then you,
and after i did,
all Hell Broke lose,
You hated the Fact that i had a Boyfriend,
And you no what,
i Hated the fact You used me,
but dose that really matter?
No it doesn't you didn't care one bit,
I cant Believe i was so STUPID,
I was so Stupid to Fall for you,
I fell so hard, and it left Cuts on my wrists,
Everyday I cried, And thought about you,
i wrote this poem to tell you my love WAS true,
Well thats it, I don't care anymore i don't have love for you like before,
I still love you as my Friend,
But Nothing more
and Its going to stay that way,
I hated This Drama Going on between us,
Well you no what, its Over now and i don't Care anymore,
I LOVED you so much that even if we got into a Fite
if it wasn't my fault i still said i was sorry,
Why? because i loved you and didn't want anything to Hurt you,
or happen to you!! i cant Believe i did this,
I Cant Believe i got myself into this shiit,
people were right you are a Player,
You used me,


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