
by brad   Feb 27, 2006


it comes once in your life,

will it be easy, or be a great strife,

you feel you did everything you possible could,

all your friends would be there wile you wondered if you would,

wile you anxiously wait for your grades in the mail,

you pray they are good so your parents don't unleash hell,

the mail is here, but no grades inside,

you start to get scared and begin to hide,

what is going on why didn't they come,

you start to think its something the school has done,

you start to worried so you call the school,

they tell you to come down and bring your parents too.

when you get off the phone you begin to cry,

if you don't graduate you wish you would die,

in front of the principals door you stand,

your so nervous you squeeze your mothers hand,

she tells you everything will be alright,

but inside she is filled with fright,

the principal calls you in, and says there is no reason to fear,

your grades just got lost but i have them right here,

what are you worried about, you did fine this year,

now go get ready for graduation, oh and please don't be late dear.


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