The Power Of The Written Word

by Amber Moonstone   Feb 27, 2006

\"The Power Of The Written Word\"

by Amber Moonstone 2/25/06

The moon and the stars
The planets and the sun,
all in sync for everyone.

As I flowed through my life
on this beautiful planet called earth,
I have always followed one simple rule,
\"Do unto others as you want done unto you.\"

I have been an advocate for many
humanitarian causes,
burned my bra, to be liberated,
marched for peace, and equality.

Cried when Kennedy, Elvis
and Princess Diana died!

Never took the pill or drugs,
Always spread peace and love.

I have given back to mother earth,
taught and nurtured our youth.

Been a role model for my own children,
and evolved into a successful professional woman.

With the sun, moon, stars, and planet earth,
being an ever powerful force in my life,
I shall continue to spread my words;
the most powerful way known to man,
through the simple act
of speaking and writing them.

Author\'s Notes: A simple thank you for allowing me to speak my truth, and to spread some good energy and cheer!

Peace, Love, and light,
Amber Moonstone


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