
by ashley   Mar 1, 2006

Im trapped in this cage
built by my anger
consumed by this rage
its causing me danger
im trapped in this lie
like im just a stranger
watching as the world
passes me by
i try to make a stand
and even though i try
i cant seem to understand
why i cant even cry
the hurt goes far too deep
to pinpoint the reason why
all these emotions are so confusing
i cant get them straight in my head
and the vices ive been using
leave me thinkin im better off dead
Everyone thinks im doin fine
but underneath the mask
is the bitter anger i call mine
cant seem to find a way out
im trapped
im caged
and im all alone
no one to love me
no place to call home
i watch this stranger live my life
& i cant do a damn thing about it
she makes the decisions
i get the results
she lives without worry or strife
walking in the shadows
i pay the price


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