Why am I this wreck?

by Ashley   Mar 3, 2006

Why am I this wreck?
Why do I hear your name
And get pissed off,
But still love you?
Why am I still devoted to you?
Why do I smile
When I hear that
You don't like it where you are
When I just want you to be happy?
Why am I like this?
Why do I get pissed that
You never called me,
But glad that you never did?
Why is it this way?
Why do I hear your name,
And my heart skips a beat happily,
But fire leaps into my eyes,
Like I just witnessed the worst sort of evil?
Why can't things be different?
Why, when I sleep at night,
Do I see you, and still get lost in your eyes?
Why do I still dream of you?
Why do I have different feelings
About you every day?
One day, I love you,
And I can't wait for you to return,
Then the next, I hate you,
And I never want to see you again.
Why can't I forget?
Why am I still here?
Why are you still with me,
When you're not?
Why can't I move on?
Why am I stuck in this hell?
Can you answer that,

~*~these are just continuing thoughts that I didn't put into "Why?" Please vote and comment~*~


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