I Worry

by Kathryn H   Mar 6, 2006

I worry
That I will never accomplish anything
I worry
That I will never be able to sing
The songs I wrote
And sing too high pitched of a note

I worry
That I will never find love
I worry
That I'll end up like my mother
Divorced and abused
Not able to find a way through
Her life made her too weak

I worry
That my friends don't really love me
I worry
Soon enough my flaws is all that they'd see
Because bad thoughts consume my mind
And love is all that I need to find

I worry
That the bruises that left marks
Will never fade away
Because I worry
That I'll marry a man like my father
Be abused mentally and physically

These troubles consume me like I consume alcohol
My future will not be as fascinating as I'd like it to
I know I won't be rich
Or live in a mansion

But I have to suck it up
Even if I end up on the streets
If I do end up like my parents
I'll know I lived differently then they did
And hopefully raise my kids differently
So then they don't end up like me
So then they'll never have to experience pain like I have

I know I could change it
But I worry more then needed
It takes time and patience
I know I'll get through it


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  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    Great poem...so sad but good ending...goood writing:)