by IcAnMaKeIt   Mar 7, 2006

Even though my face is sad,
I'm always low
and never glad.
Even though my tears keep fallen,
my moms all wrong,
and my dad ain't calling.
Don't look at me that way!!
Look at me like what you say?
Like I'm some kind of alienated,
like I'm the one who killed the preacher!!!

Even though you think your better,
I'm never here,
and my guy sent you a love letter.
Don't look at me that way!!!!
look at me like what you say,
like I'm some kind of alienated creature,
like I'm the one who killed the school teacher!!!!!

Even though your clothes are cuter,
your boyfriends popular,
and mines a loser.
Even though i lost my uncle,
never met my grandpa,
and got in trouble.
Don't look at me that way!!!
I'm not an alienated creature,
i didn't kill the preacher,
and i have yet to even have known that dead school teacher


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Good message i mean i HATE it when people judge others its so stupid and immature people should just mind their own business unless asked anyway 5/5 <33

    i really like your writing keep it up girly!