My++Love [Part 2]

by Xox P.a.U.L.i.n.A xoX   Mar 14, 2006

There he was looking the /G/i/R/L/ with him
Regretting all the times she could\'ve been his

3 months later they broke up
There\'s the /g/i/r/L/ on the phone

Here\'s the guy comforting her
Thought he\'d be happy with wats in store

She was really happy he was there
She just wish he knew **the one I love is You**

He without a doubt cared for his friend
Still didn\'t want this friendship to end

Both of them promised they\'d always be there for each other
ANd once senior prom came they\'d come with one another

Now the\'re 18, Senor Prom came But now
Both of them had dates but never forgetting the promise they made

Never did they realized that they had a chance for love
But whatever they did, thought that they weren\'t good enough

~B3autifuL Di§a§t3r~©

[Please wait for part 3]


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  • 18 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Alas love great and painful if he left u then hes not woth it nice poem maybe you can read one of mine 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Mandee

    Hey i liked your poem you can print my poem out guy facts and girl facts i don't mind