Fading Away

by ~ ImA RiDe Or DiE Fa HyM !! ~   Mar 18, 2006

All the up's and downs
all the smiles and frowns.
My heart is aching for your touch,
as I'm laying alone missing you so much.
My pain cant be erased,
because are love has been unlaced.
your gone without a trace
i guess i lost the race.
I tried to give you all of me
but now its just time to let it be.
I've gave up on looking for that thing called hope
now the only thing I'm looking for is the rope.
I'm hanging from the sky
because all I want to do is die
so now I'm waving to you, good-bye
As I let go of every fear
I hear the voices coming clear.
There saying its time to let it all go
the fear that used to be near, the tears that came after all these years, the pain that caused my blood stain.
Now this is the end this is my chance to mend.
I'm scared to leave but this is one thing that i have to let be.........

*comment n let me no wat u think ! Thankz...*


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lacee

    Hey whats up..thanks for the comment on my thingy...thanks..it was really cool..and finally someone understands..well hey email me ok? if u want to..its all_abouts_me2006@yahoo.com
    cause i think u would be really fun to talk to...thank u ..bye ..btw good poems

  • 18 years ago

    by CiNDY iS BAkk

    This is so good! You are a good writer keep it up!!! =)

  • Another good poem i really liked this i give u a 5/5 u got some talent so keep ya head ^ *kristina*

  • 18 years ago

    by cassie

    I love this poem, i can strongly relate, it seems to have a lot of meaning in it, you are a very talented writer and i cant wait to read more of your stuff, if you ever need to talk feel free to email me, please comment on some of my poems it will be greatly appreciated.
    love cass xoxo

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