Friends Are They Really Friends?

by ChristinaMichelle   Mar 22, 2006

Finally I'm accepted!
You feel so lucky to have them!
People who will be there for you
No questions asked
People who finally understands
Understand whats going on with you
People you think you can tell them everything
But is this really true?

Are friends supposed to talk crap about you behind your back?
Are friends supposed to tell you that you’re nothing?

Do you cry so many tears at night that yoyou'veost count?

And why cant you make them see that you really need them
That you’re really hurting inside?
You feel like a lost dog
No one wants it
It gets old
Its no more fun
What are you supposed to do with it?
Keep it?
Or get ride of it?

All you want to do is talk to someone
Someone that will listen to you
Someone that will not judge you
And yet it seems like theres no one there

I feel so trapped
Trapped in my thoughts
Trapped in my feelings
Trapped in my emotion
Trapped in my anger

Will all this shit thats happening to me END?

I just dont understand anymore
I dont understand why this is happening me!
Why cant I stop it?
Why cant I change my feelings?
Why do I hold all this anger in my heart?

I hope these feelings and emotions pass soon

I just want to be happy!

For if not then life is pointless


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sharon

    It seems like you wrote this right after a fight or something because it's full of emotion and rage. The thing is it's not really set like a poem at all because of the fact that you were just letting it all out at once, I find that if I write and think about what I'm writing it calms me down and also that it doesn't come out as a jumble. So nice job but next time just think about what your doing and try to use the emotion to put a powerful punch into words.