
by Rebecca   Mar 24, 2006

No matter what we do,
death is all around,
its in the air, the sky,
and even in the ground.

its like an ongoing fear,
never seen nor heard,
awaiting to re-appear,
will i be 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

I am not scarred of this little thing called death,
well after all it is only a fear?
fears can be conquered,
and may even disappear.

or am I scarred,
I do not know,
what will happen to my
friends, family and foes.

I feel it choking,
inti-sing me in,
with its claw like hands,
and cheeky faced grin.

WHO is this masked man,
or is it just an illusion,
triggered by my mind,
and brought on by confusion.

I do not know this masked man known as death,
all i know is he will have every last breath.


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