So lost

by TheseBlue Eyes   Mar 27, 2006

Don\\\'t know what to do or think
I don\\\'t know where to go or be
I\\\'m lost so deep inside these feelings
I\\\'m hurt my heart torn to pieces
No one will listen
No one to talk to
No one to hold in the middle of the night
What do I do
I\\\'m so sick of feeling this way
Why does it hurt
What did I do
Is it me
Or what the f**k is it
This sadness turns into anger
That I just cant hold in
I\\\'m loosin it
I\\\'m loosin myself
In these feelings I don\\\'t need to feel
Not again
I went threw this shit once
I don\\\'t need to again
The scars on my wrists
Tell a thousand stories
The cutting don\\\'t take my problems go away
Drinking sounds good
But once I\\\'m sober my problems are still here
Theres no way to get away from them
But I feel like theres no way to fix them
What do I do
I\\\'m lost in this life I\\\'m living
The life I don\\\'t want
I deserve much better
I can do so much better
This ain\\\'t the life I want
But I feel worthless
Does anyone even care
Do they no the pain I feel
Do the hear the cries I cry
Do the know the real me
Can\\\'t they see I\\\'m not happy
Don\\\'t they know this isn\\\'t the life I want
Do they know I want to do better
Do they know I want to go to school
I want to be something
I don\\\'t want to be this way anymore
I just want to be me
I want to be happy
For once in my life can I be happy
Or is this what I got cut out for me
I dunno
People hurt me
People come into my life
And leave just as quick as they came in
Do they know how it hurts me
People tell me they love
But I know they don\\\'t mean it
Cuz If they loved me
They wouldn\\\'t hurt me
They wouldn\\\'t just up and leave me
I just need to know
Why do I feel this way
What am I suppose to do
Maybe it\\\'s me
I don\\\'t know
I\\\'ve tried everything
But it just don\\\'t work
And still no one knows or sees
The pain I feel inside
And the tears I cry
For I never think anyone will

I wrote this one night when i just couldn\\\'t hold in what i felt so tell me what you think.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    I know the feeling

  • 18 years ago

    by hiding behind a smile

    I can relate to this poem, but unlike u I can't just let all my feelings go onto a piece pf paper it takes me awhile to let them go. xx