Its back

by Brittany   Mar 28, 2006

This is all wrong!
It was gone for so long.
Well now its back....
GOD I'm going to crack!
This hurts I dont know how to explain.....
But I'm in so much pain.
I guess having love isn't going to help....
When I think about it I yelp.
But now I cant, I have to hide it...
and never admit...
That its back because they wont understand...
and just squeeze my hand.
Tight wait until it passes...
and avoid those broken glasses.
I tell dont want that.
But inside I really do....
if anyone every knew.
They might not like me.
So I hide inside myself...and just wait.......until it passes...again.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany

    Yes Im ok :-D I wasnt then but i am now.

  • 18 years ago

    by Justin G

    Wow thats kinda worrying..whats up with that? u doin alright?