It was him

by Natasha   Mar 29, 2006

Leave me alone I plead and cry,
I shout and scream I beg for all of this to go away
Praying to everyone above, asking for guidance
I tried to look deep inside my soul
Searching for my future, for my goal
What am I supposed to be?
How can I be set free?
When there is an invisible force of chains pulling me back, forbidding me from life
All I know now is the four walls I'm trapped in, dark and damp
Small and cramp

They think that they can just control my fate
Can't anyone see I'm about to break
I'm their robot who they control, with no emotion, heart or soul.
But they are wrong I am just as human as anyone, I feel
Pain, hurt and fear
You can see me crying out in every tear
Just see whats happening before I go mad

I loved someone once, so different, wrong but uncontrollable
He tried to cut the chains and set me free
So we could happily be
Floating around in the air peacefully and calm
We had them in our palm
Till one day the wind came and blew him only away
They choose my weather, my destiny was doomed

Tears still pour, my face turns grey again
My head rests on my knees as I shiver and think of my lost love
I've lost the meaning of life again
But it doesn't end here
My companions left me; my blood shut the door on me
Instead of sticks and stones they threw glass and blades at me
Cutting me, bruising me each time
So weak I couldnâ??t do anything but fall
Looking around terrified for a space where I could crawl

I don't know whats the use of me being
There isn't any point of living
All I do is get pushed and shouted and hurt at
The rain pours, the prison opens
I put my hands out and look up at the sky
I let the rain pour onto me, I let myself feel life
I run in the mud I jump and scream with hope

How did I set free?
I think and wonder
The sun then shines and I see a smiling face
It was him.

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