Nothing to Say

by shelbee   Apr 14, 2006

You all think she is just this girl who has nothing to say, like she has no idea what's going on. But what happened she used to be so strong. On September 11th the worst tradgedy had happened. Her father worked in the twin towers and on that day highjackers took a plane and crashed into the towers. Her dad was killed instantly. Wondering why they did it? When it ruined all these lives. Her family was at home finishing up dinner, had no clue they were about to get some bad news. The phone rang and she was told her father had died that day. She didn't know what to say. Words just couldn't explain what she was feeling. With rage she grabbed her plate and threw it with a bang against the wall. She climbed the stairs to her room and just sat on her bed with gloom. Her father was so young and had a whole life ahead of him. She was lost in confusion and terror. Her father was such a great man. Of all places why did it have to happen here? While she asked herself these questions she began to tremble she let the tears fall and then to her nothing else mattered. With that years passed she grew up to be a great young woman speaking all over the world of what had happened. She told the world she will never forget her one great hero.....her dad


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