
by Poetvoices   Apr 15, 2006

Across and ocean,
so far away.
I haven't seen you
in forever in a day.

My mind says to forget you.
Besides, this cannot work!
My heart say, "Hold on with all you have!
I can't take anymore hurt."

Everyone tells me to listen to my mind,
and every time I almost cave,
I think of the times we've has together.
You give me the love I crave.

You're so good to me,
no matter how far away you are.
I can reach you via email or phone,
even if not by car.

In a modern world like this,
we can stay in touch
without ever touching in person--
something I long for so much.

For now, I leave it at what it is
with friends in which I've confided.
I sit and think about what to do, if anything,
but I remain undecided.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Torn

    Really good poem hun! you captured the hardships long-distance relationships face as well as the lust that keeps them together!
    Well done sweetie and thanks for allt he advice and help etc.
    luv angel fish:P

  • 18 years ago

    by Jon Hunt

    Was this the one you wrote in liu of the club disscusion?

    If so i think it is very good, i feel it has captured the feelings well, personaly i have never missed some one from so far away, but i know the same feeling when they are quite close, but not here.

    This is a very nice poem, and its great to know also where the intial idea came from.

    Great Work.


  • 18 years ago

    by stephanie

    It was very good just make sure you cheak your spelling and stuff i have to say i really liked it keep it up