Un tittled

by Shelby   Apr 20, 2006

When I was young I used to believe in fairly tales of prince's and princess's. I hoped someday I would find my prince and fall in love and then nothing else would matter.

When I met you, I knew you were my one, my one true love, you were my prince coming to save me from the evil dragon.

If only I knew then what I know now, then maybe you wouldn't of hurt me so bad.

So I sit here today and cry for the times you've hurt me and didn't seen to care.

You were nice at first. You didn't me the real you, but when things got rough you ran and hid like a coward. So now I say with all my heart, that I no longer believe in my prince coming to save me, for you proved to be wrong, I just can't be hurt anymore.

For you were my first real love.
If only I knew what I know now, maybe I wouldn't of been hurt so bad. So for now I say goodbye, and maybe someday I can say that I love you without worrying of what you will do to my heart.


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