Nothing left

by Shelby   Apr 21, 2006

Cut my wrist with razor blades
The pain is hard to fight
Tear drops fall as i realize
Theres nothing left for me

This world is full of hate
And nobody's here to calm us
The rage is getting deeper
If only someone knew

The pain i hold inside
Is much greater then you see
To u i may seem happy
But thats part of my lie

I pretend to be OK
As i go through my day
Wishing you were somewhere near
To chase my pain away

This all might sound selfish
Or a great big show
But u haven't been through
As much shit as i have

As i cry and face the world
I try to hide my pain
It's getting out of hand
Much more then i control

I want it all to fade
The whole world to end
And everyone die with me
And feel the pain i did

When everyone finally realizes
The pain they put me through
It might be to late
From a cold suicide

Hopefully it ends soon
Maybe dying wont be so bad
Then I'll truly be happy
With no more pain inside

Cut my wrist with razor blade
The pain is hard to fight
Tear drops fall as i realize
Theres nothing left for me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by CiNDY iS BAkk

    I'm sorry!
    I like it lots!
    Check some of mine out!
    But they are just love poems!
    I'm kinda working on this sad rape poem that really happened, so that's the gonna be the first sad poem I've ever wrote!
    Anyway, nice work 5/5!

  • 18 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Well like all people say its only the begging nice poem maybe u can read one of mine 5/5

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