To you mother

by kelley   Apr 21, 2006

Im sorry mom, i had to go,
just dont remember, let the wind blow.
you where my favoriet out of the two,
its sad to say i know, but i love you.

from this and that and what ive done,
you have nothing to do with me, i am one.
i dident mean to mess up your life,
right now i need a knife.

i feel horrible for what ive caused,
if i could take it back i would, and never told you it happend.
i cry myself to sleep in missory,
cant get this off my mind its killing me.

five years later, seventeen years now,
i grow in age and in pain, i still dont know.
how you feel,is how you feel,
but the pain i fill i must kill.

one way or anouther through death,pain or heartach,
ill find some way to make your days great.
i miss you and your motherly ways,
but i must do this, to make you better days.

i love you mother, please dont change,
you did nothing wrong, im ripping outta my cage.
you will soon see this was for the better,
so to you mother: i write this goodbye letter..


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