Mistakes and gasping breaths

by kelley   Apr 27, 2006

More of a song but here u go

come again, what did you say? obviously im not listing to your s*it today! breath in deep with every gasping breath you take, try and excape every s*itface lie you make

make an immage, to replace the fakeness you make inside, like awake dead and motionless, from the pain of yourself. the pain you pushed on your own sholders. makes me sick to be part of your race,a race you imagend in your head, there all lies, lies and more f**king lies! the sickness of your eyes discusts me!

come again, what did you say? obviously im not listing to your s*it today! breath in deep with every gasping breath you take, try and excape every s*itface lie you make!

you keep going on about your perfect life, and how you get what you want. how everyone loves you and wants you. well i f**king dont, carrie on with your pathic life and leave me out, i dont wanna be part of you anymore!

come agian, what did you say? obviously im not listing to your s*it today! breath in deep with every gasping breath you take, try and excape every s*itfaced like you make!!!!

(yeah.. one of my mad days)


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