Saying Goodbye

by foreverhappy   May 11, 2006

It's so funny to me
How quickly we became friends
From barely talking to each other
To partying every weekend

You started coming down every night
And quickly became part of the family
Sometimes I even got jealous
Because I thought they liked you better than me

Sometimes you were overprotective
Like any brother would be
And although I got really mad
It meant so much to me

In the past few months
Theres been so many memories
Some good...Some bad...
Some no one would believe

From cleaning up your puke
To being your phone book
From giving you money
To being your personal cook

But now I guess it's time
That I have to say goodbye
It's time for you to grow up
It's time for you to fly

You've finally graduated;
Put your 13 years in...
So now it's time
For your life to really begin

You've signed the papers
You've made the choice
To join the army;
To lose the freedom of your voice

As much as I don't want
To say goodbye
I know it's best for you...
Even if it makes me cry...

So I guess this is goodbye
Thanks for everything
Stay Safe; have fun
But don't forget your friends


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