Judgements Of Distorted Realities

by xxkurtcobainxx   May 14, 2006

Stolen converses and ripped up telephone lines
The warnings, the tickets, and meaningless fines
Cigarettes stomped out on the concrete
Becoming the glass that's under our feet
The lines we make to speed us up
The poison we drink out of our assigned cup
Incompletes and copyright files
The clean corporate buisness tiles
A world of fatal mistakes and ordinary sins
Our values and morals are all illusions
Heredity takes all of the blame
For the problems that we can't name
Tackboards of forgotten appointments
The doctors prescribe expensive ointments
The alcohol used for socializing
The stunts I want to be death-defying
They're destined to break, the necklaces of candy
A wine case that you fill full of brandy
The books of knowledge we never read
In order to follow some teenager's creed
Dysfunctional rules of self-protection
Underlying ways to starve for attention
Sex is turning into a brand new trend
The flirtatious messages that we send
The rhyming scheme you can never stop
You're so close to reaching the top
Symbolism contained in a single ring
But you thought it was only a fling
The servants in their servitude
The insults that are no longer rude
It's become routine to be offended
It's never what our fathers intended
Guitars that just beg to be smashed
You can't talk because you're always trashed
It doesn't matter, I can't hear
A drop of blood becomes a tear
Layered shirts hang out on the lawn
The world dies with every new dawn


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  • You write so well! i dont know many 15 year olds that have such a wide vocabulary, your rhyming is excellent, i can never be sure what the last word of the next line will be. most people stick to the same words, and it becomes boring because you can tell whats coming next. for example more often than not 'life' is always paired with 'knife'. however i have to admit that i am slightly hypocritical, because i am very much guilty of doing that, which i am going to try and stop doing.
    you have great style! keep it up!
    xX velvet kisses Xx