Your Gone

by Rachael   May 31, 2006

The day you died
All i did was cry
I loved you like a grandmother
I wish thats what you could be to me
The day i said goodbye
All i did was lie
I told myself you would be okay
But the body of yours just decayed
Leukemia took your life
But it didn't take your memory's
Forget you, never shall i
You died but i feel you by my side
I know your looking down on me
The pain i feel
It is just so unreal
But you died in peace
Knowing your pain has now ceased
Is just a great relief
I hope you know i love you
I wish you didn't have to part
I'm letting you know your in my heart
Now I'm sending you my love
I hope you get it up above
You are in a better place
But i still wish to see your face
Hold your hand and just pray
That no one will forget your spirit
Or even your grace
I know i will see you again
Behind the gates that behold


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  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    Rach it was a great poem as always..u try saying tht u cant write for shit but heres proof tht ur wrong..kepp it up..hopefully i get to see u soon
    LuV u LoTs