In the night. (slaughter of the innocent)

by Angstluver   Jun 5, 2006

She wanders, broken.
Screams of the lost and the smashing of glass
the world's dying today.
fights and fires,
screams and shrill hysterics.
minds are lost...
They sit at the side of the road, shattered.
just staring and staring,
at something not there.
When they are hit they do not move.
So lost are some of them that,
it someone lights them on fire for cruel pleasure,
they will not move, will not scream.
and she sees them staring, dying.
There's blood everywhere.
So far she hasn't been able to escape from it.
She spends the night in dirty hallways,
among the suffering and the hidden.
The lights are always flickering on and off,
but no one cares anymore.
light is no longer important,
they use fire.
They are almost reduced to animals.
When the sun sets most go to sleep,
but for some, it's only the beginning.
They get up to hunt,
and the slaughter of the innocent proceeds.


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