Just A Word Or A Reason To Be

by shanice   Jun 6, 2006

Such a word, brings so much controversy.
Stirs up problems, Brings up emotions.
It means life, it means death.
To some this word holds many promises,
Itâ??s the reason to be.
To others, itâ??s just a word, a word used to explain the unimaginable,
To give people a reason why things are,
Because humans cannot live without a reason.
It means hope and justice, the reason to live.
People fear this word and people cherish it too.
Some people find it to be meaningless,
To have no affect on them.
This word, to some, is not only just a word, but a person,
Someone greater than all, the one and only, the best of everything.
But to others, its just what it look like on paper,
A word.
A word, like the thousand other words out there,
This one with just a bit more.... something.
What is this word to me?
A word, a person, an excuse, a promise.
It doesnâ??t matter what this word means to me,
Because either way,
To some itâ??s still a word,
To others, itâ??s the almighty being.
Such a word, brings so much controversy.

****Plz no 1 take offense, i tried not 2 offend anyone n not 2 show sides.***

Plz comment n/or vote.


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  • 17 years ago

    by shanice

    U welcome. glad u not offended, i tried 2 make it that way. i comment cuz u asked n i liked ur poem. u welcome n thnx 4 returning the favor.

  • Im not offended, dont worry great topic!
    this poem really rox!
    and yeah ur comment on mi poem is what i mean by plz comment! thankyou so much, mel