New Chapter

by Kyleene   Jun 8, 2006

I have started a new chapter in my life
And I will no longer care what anyone thinks
If I want to cheer and holler
Or sing and dance,
Then I will!
I may flutter my eyelashes
And strut my stuff
But your judgments won't matter
I want to let loose
Be free and be myself
I'm tired of crying and moping around
If you don't like the real me,
Then don't acknowledge my presence
I'm tired of being tied down
By other people's opinions
Being fake has gotten old
I'm finally going to let the real me out
I want my soul to fly free
With no more chains to hold me down
I would love to have friends
But if need be, I'll live without them
I need to find myself
And be completely spontaneous
I need support
But if I don't find any,
Well, I'll be here for myself
I'm going to try new things
And let go of my fears
In this new chapter,
I want to be able to breathe
And to be able to love me!

(C) Copyright 2006 by Kyleene Mitchell


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