About Me!

by Alexandra   Jun 8, 2006

Rain splashing against my window,
Stars up in the sky,
That smell when i hug and squeezy my pillow,
And that feeling when a hot guy walks by,

The thought when you\'re told you\'re beautiful,
That surprise that makes you no longer mad,
When you get a package and its marked fragile,
An extra chocolate brownie when your feeling sad,

When you finally get a tan fromyour flip flops,
Or that perfect smoothie you\'ve been craving,
When you get one thin at your favorite shops,
Or you have enough money from all the time you\'ve been saving,

When that one kiss on the forehead makes you tingle,
Or when you make someone sad smile,
That you can no longer say \" I\'m Single\",
And in fall when the leaves are in a heaping pile,

When you dont know why he treats you so good,
the confidence to speed down that one big slope,
The feeling when youve done the best you could,
Or when you gain a little extra hope.

if you havnet figured it out yet,
this poem has a theme,
Of things i love or wish to happen,
But are only real when i dream,


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