How Sick

by Dahlia   Jun 11, 2006

My world collapsed today
Just collapsed around me.
I couldn't see
Couldn't hear
Couldn't breathe
Couldn't smell
Couldn't taste
I couldn't feel.

That day, the worst happened.
I didn't believe it at first
Screaming it wasn't true
Wishing, it wasn't true.

I was sitting in my room
Playing with this dagger my mother gave me
She said she found it
In a tomb of some ancient king
It was kinda cool,
In its own sadistic way.
How sick.

But my thoughts were stopped
When the doorbell rang
I ran down the steps thinking it was her
That she was back.
Boy was I wrong.
I opened the door
And listened to their story.

My mother died that day.
A tragic accident
She didn't even see the car
It came out of no where.
Next thing she knows
She's smashed through the window
Out of the car
Laying on the pavement

The police come to my house
Said something tragically terrible happened
How sick.
They said my mother died.
A drunk hit her.
She hit her head on the pavement
Along with other injuries
Instant death.
How sick.
I didn't believe them
I started laughing
How sick.
And now I realize.

I didn't even get to say I loved her
She never left me before
And now I'm alone.
With no one to go to
No one would take me.
I'm alone.
I crawled to my room.
And into my bed.
And lay down, wishing to die

Two weeks later
I haven't moved
I haven't eaten
Or slept, for her face haunts me
I suddenly have the urge to turn
And guess what I find
That dagger.

I joined her that day.
I expected it to hurt
Maybe it did
I couldn't tell
I was numb
I enjoyed drawing symbols and carving shapes
Into my own flesh
How sick.
I laughed a cold mirthless laugh.
The irony of it all was too much.
I stuck the bloody dagger to my heart
Wishing it showed how much I loved her.

At least now
I can tell her I love her.


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