My angel

by Desi   Jun 11, 2006

You came to me with open arms and a loveing heart,
I looked at you and knew, you are an angel from above,
when you speak to me i know you are here for some reason,
I didnt realize why you came but now i know,
you are here to show me the way,
my angel, guide me through and let me know,
You make me feel like i dont have a care in the world,
when my angel is around i am so protected,like nothing can go wrong,
I think of you and tears go down my face, slowly.......
My angel what are you here for?
You are so amazing, its hard to believe you are really in my life.
My angel has lifted me up and shown me the way,
when shes gone, my hearts shaddered into pieces,
what do i do without my angel by my side?
It might be just for a little while, but now it seems like forever,
without my angel here im so lost....
I know when you come back things will be back to normal,
but i dont want to wait no longer, one day is long enough,
angel please come back to me.


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