Forgive and Forget: a lesson from the father

by Poetvoices   Jun 18, 2006

I should have listened to Daddy
when he told me to be careful,
but I didn't and now,
I've spilled ice cream on my dress.

"What did I tell you?!" he shouts,
and when I come to my senses,
I feel awful for what I just did.

"Sorry, Daddy," I say.
"It's okay, but daughter,
don't let it happen again.
Now, you have a stain on your dress."

Luckily for me,
the stain doesn't have to stay.
If I ask, Daddy can remove the stain.

The washing machine is our tool,
and Daddy make my dress white again.
All I had to do was ask,
and the stain was gone and forgotten.

God, my father, tells me to be careful,
because he can see sin before it happens,
but NO stain on my record are permanent.
My father forgives and forgets.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Always4You

    That was beautiful!! *big hug* Im going to read some more...Dont you hate it when people read but dont comment..Well im here to let you know that it was great:D
