Comments : She sits and waits for love....

  • 17 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    YOU are SOOO wrong, this is def one of your best ever hunni, in a sad sad depressing way!!! God I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all of this pain, I have been feeling guilty for not commenting and writing to you, I have been so busy working and working and working and trying to get my lkife back on the right track....Hunni my heart hurts for you, I love you and I care so much for you!!! You have always been there for me and you know I am here for you....

  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    0h huni this was really deep. and its 0hk t0 express urself. very well written meaningful fr0m the heart. very heartfelt and sad xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Jackie Prahl

    Hey um I liked the poem it hit a cold spot in my life and things that happen if this is real for you remember that eventually things get better people see you for who you are, and sure things feel shitty for a while but things happen when they are supposed to. I sat in my room for 3years and 7 mounths like that then I met my best friend and got to understand alot more about life and stuff. and believe me things will get tough agian I'm copeing with the high possiblity of cancer surgery and not seeing the man I love for weeks or mounths.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jackie Prahl

    Hey um I liked the poem it hit a cold spot in my life and things that happen if this is real for you remember that eventually things get better people see you for who you are, and sure things feel shitty for a while but things happen when they are supposed to. I sat in my room for 3years and 7 mounths like that then I met my best friend and got to understand alot more about life and stuff. and believe me things will get tough agian I'm copeing with the high possiblity of cancer surgery and not seeing the man I love for weeks or mounths.

  • 17 years ago

    by Nelle

    I most definitely loved it, weather you think it was one of your best or not, doesnt matter because I and Many other ppl im sure would agree with me, it was definitely a best!!! it reminded me of me, you have great emotion and expressed your words deeply!! your a great writer, keep it up hun!

  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie

    No, no, no. I loved this!!

    You're flow was pretty good. And the imagry was also good. It was a very sad poem though, Hope it's not based on anything true. Keep it up! 5/5

    `Taleee. xx.

  • For This Not To Be Your Best, Its Surely Was Excellent...I Think That Your Talent Pours Out Of You Even When Your Not Trying,...And To Do Something As Brilliant As This And Not Even Know It Says Alot About Your Character...I Believe Your Humble In Your Gift & I Say This In All Admiration 5/5 xoxo-Nikki-xoxo