
by gabby   Jun 23, 2006

On this day
My teardrops are mistaken for rain
Our trust, friendship within minutes gone
This starry night brings the realization
of the end of a day along with more
that I can't replace
You were my crying shoulder
Lonely as I am
I need you
Where are you now?
Farther than where I pushed you
I can't sleep tonight
My thoughts are running miles and
aren't close to winded
Is this how best friends are or are we
the odd ones out?
It's gone over mistakes
I've forgiven, but doubt I will forget
Past is the past yet as hard as it may
seem, I'm preventing reruns of the
Never will my tears drop on your shirt
or will I show you my weakness of
being truly hurt
My tear washed face laid on the
softest pillow cannot comfort these
blood-stained eyes quite like you
Can you be blown away by your
wooden whistle?
If so, why do you keep trying to
come back?
Let's pretend we never knew each
Let's never look at each other
because you begging cries & sad
looks kill me
As far as you are
As betrayed as I feel
As broken as I am
I still miss your words of comfort,
laugh, smile, call
Your still the 2nd in the back
Let's leave it at this
At my jetlag
So this is what it feels like
So this is the last of the best


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