Fade to Black

by RetroRavey   Jun 25, 2006

The final rain falls,
On my forsaken world.
Lost inside my heart,
Gone with no sound heard.

Screaming in the night,
Alone, forever here.
Knowing that the pain,
Will leave me in my fear.

I'm never coming home.
To a world where silence tatters,
I'm lost without a trace,
Gone from here, forever.

This is total truth,
I'm never coming back,
And as my world falls to pieces,
I fade to total black.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Krissey

    You had some good imagery in this piece. I really liked it. Keep your chin up.. things are bound to get better!!
    -Kristy (Krissey)

    Chelsey and I would really appreciate it if you would check out our latest collab, "Two voices unheard." It's under the name, "Krissey." Thanks a bunch!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Well since were all huggin in the forum i thot id comment. neway wow amazing work! gr8 details, really paints a picture! 5/5